I have been very frustrated with my iPod the last few weeks because I have been using the shuffle function which doesn't seem to work too well. Having nearly 2000 songs on my iPod, I found it very irritating that every time I'd turn it on, the same 20 songs would play, just in a different order. Then, one of my smarty-pants friends gave me a solution and it worked! However, I noticed one interesting thing. Each time I've used the shuffle function (including this new and improved shuffle), the following song has played. So I'm wondering if God is trying to send me a message through my iPod. And if so, what do you think it is? :)
The urge to run, the restlessness
The heart of stone I sometimes get
The things I've done for foolish pride
The me that's never satisfied
The face that's in the mirror when I don't like what I see
I guess that's just the cowboy in me
We ride and never worry about the fall
I guess that's just the cowboy in us all*
* Lyrics: The Cowboy in Me by Tim McGraw
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